Choosing the Right Size for Your Art
How to Choose the Right Size for Your Art…Plus A Calculator that Does the Work for You
When I began collecting art, friends would joke that it reminded them of this sculpture by Gerardo Feldstein. The proportions were totally off for the space, and I often hung pieces too low. I created this simple guide to help you avoid my mistakes.

*After writing this I also stumbled across great Tiktok content that sums up this article. I particularly like this one from interior designer Kiva Brent.
Width: 66-75
Art should take up ⅔-¾ of available wall space. Available wall space does not include furniture, moldings, large air vents, etc. Note: Make sure to include frame dimensions in your calculations.
Here’s a simple formula to calculate recommended dimensions:
Width Min: [Width] x .66
Width Max: [Width] x .75
Height Min: [Height] x .66
Height Max: [Height] x. 75
For example, if a blank wall is 108” high and 60” wide, your art height should be between ~71”-81” and your width should be ~40” and 45”.
If you’re hanging above a focal point like a sofa, bed, or credenza, follow the same rules. For example, if your sofa is 75” wide, your piece should be roughly between 50 and 56 inches.
Where to Hang
Blank Walls: In a gallery setting, art is typically hung at eye level. For most of us, the middle of the piece should be 56” to 60” from the floor. If your ceilings are higher than 8 feet, you can go a little above 60” if necessary.
If you’re bad at arithmetic like I am and want to know where to put the hook:
A. Divide the frame height by two
B.Take that number and subtract the distance from the top of the frame to hanging hardware
C. Add that number to between 56 and 60 inches. That’s where you should put your hooks.
Above Furniture: If you’re hanging a piece above furniture, allow 4”-12” above the furniture.
Multiple Pieces on a Wall
Hanging multiple pieces together? In general, we recommend 2”-3” between each piece. There are some exceptions to this rule (e.g. the size and configuration of the space), so use discretion and select spacing that you like.
Misc. Suggestions
Bigger is Better
As a general rule, the bigger the better. Large art helps enhance a space, whereas small pieces make space feel empty.
Horizontal or Vertical
Consider whether horizontal or vertical makes more sense. A tall narrow space may lend itself better to vertical, whereas in a wider space, horizontal makes sense.
Click here for our art size calculator.